Musée d'Orsay Olympic Opening Ceremony Experience

Few institutions are more renowned in Paris than the Musée d'Orsay, a rail station turned museum containing mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914 set on the left bank of the Seine River. Serendipitously, the Seine will also play host to the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games, which will float down the river before settling in front of the famed Eiffel Tower. 15 guests (and their plus ones), thanks to Airbnb Icons and acclaimed French designer Mathieu Lehanneur, who created this year's Olympic torch and cauldron, will take in the ceremony from a once-in-a-lifetime vantage point: a private terrace atop the Musée d'Orsay overlooking the Seine, with a tour of the museum, custom drinks by Paris' top bartender, Margot LeCarpentier, and a private DJ set by Kirou, to boot.

Photos: Wendy Huynh / Airbnb

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