国际侦查II旅行者是侦察兵的长轴距版本,具有所有的越野实力,并且在前排座椅后面有更多的空间。这款优秀的产品经过修复之后,更是配上了磨砂白色和平黑色复古风格拉力侧条纹。 它还配有定制的前后保险杠以及麦琪汤姆森的车轮,从而让外观更加完整。最初的304 V8款式进行了彻底的改装,并与四速手动档进行配合,内饰则采用喷塑内衬设计,并且拥有全新的前排座椅和后排座椅。凭借其高品质的修复,这个侦察员已准备好前往任何在路面或任何地方。
国际侦查II旅行者是侦察兵的长轴距版本,具有所有的越野实力,并且在前排座椅后面有更多的空间。这款优秀的产品经过修复之后,更是配上了磨砂白色和平黑色复古风格拉力侧条纹。 它还配有定制的前后保险杠以及麦琪汤姆森的车轮,从而让外观更加完整。最初的304 V8款式进行了彻底的改装,并与四速手动档进行配合,内饰则采用喷塑内衬设计,并且拥有全新的前排座椅和后排座椅。凭借其高品质的修复,这个侦察员已准备好前往任何在路面或任何地方。
BOLDR has revolutionized home heating with Kelvin. The smart appliance uses sustainable infrared technology to keep you and your wallet comfortable. The option reduces consumption and is 30% more cost-effective than traditional convection methods. Owners stay in control with a wireless thermostat that connects to their phones. The accompanying app allows users to adjust the heat based on consumption and spending, schedule heating on a room-by-room basis, and see real-time monitoring of their bills. It's also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control. With a sleek and modern design, the Kelvin integrates seamlessly into interiors and is easy to install, while its software continuously updates for maintenance-free use.
Presented by BOLDR.
The best way to stop hair loss is to catch ti before it starts. KilgourMD's Prevention Scalp Serum is the first line of defense, fortifying hair follicles and preventing them from shrinking to keep full-looking hair. Prevention Scalp Serum helps block the hormone DHT that triggers hair thinning while helping to protect against environmental and age-related damage.
Presented by KilgourMD.