1993年款布加迪EB 110超级赛车原型车
80年代后期,布加迪的第二个化身打造了一些汽车,并且都是以它的创始人之名进行进行打造的。其中,这款车型最高时速超过200英里每小时,并且采用充满异国情调的材料打造,全轮驱动和四涡轮增压V12发动机使得它就算是在今天,依然能够成为中流砥柱。这款EB 110是更强大的超级赛车的测试平台,而且这款车型限量36台。在不久之后,该公司将关闭,直到大众汽车发起下一次的复兴行动。这款车随时提供服务并且做好出发的准备,这辆汽车是汽车历史上的一块瑰宝。
80年代后期,布加迪的第二个化身打造了一些汽车,并且都是以它的创始人之名进行进行打造的。其中,这款车型最高时速超过200英里每小时,并且采用充满异国情调的材料打造,全轮驱动和四涡轮增压V12发动机使得它就算是在今天,依然能够成为中流砥柱。这款EB 110是更强大的超级赛车的测试平台,而且这款车型限量36台。在不久之后,该公司将关闭,直到大众汽车发起下一次的复兴行动。这款车随时提供服务并且做好出发的准备,这辆汽车是汽车历史上的一块瑰宝。
On the road or just a long country walk, Aspinal of London's Leather Hunter Flask is the perfect companion. Made from stainless steel, the flask is sized to slip into a pocket for a nip of your favorite drink wherever you go. Fine, full-grain leather binding holds two cups to share with a friend.
Presented by Aspinal of London.
This 15-pair gift box from the London Sock Company features effortlessly stylish colors like black, navy, grey, burgundy, hazelnut, and more. Socks may be small, but the right pair can make a big difference by capturing confidence and optimism in every step. Crafted from the finest materials, these socks are designed to elevate your style with a touch of color. Made from London Sock Company's signature blend of Scottish Lisle Cotton, Polyamide, and Elastane, these socks don't just fit and feel better, they look better and last longer.
Presented by London Sock Co.