咖啡专家的技术是不需要专门去报班学习的。泡制:在家享用更好的咖啡是一本脚踏实地的在家做出咖啡厅水平的饮品的指南。由《亲爱的咖啡,我爱你》的作者布莱恩 · 琼斯亲手执笔,这本书涵盖了制作出优质咖啡所需要的各个元素,从购买最好的咖啡豆到掌握你最喜欢的慢煮技术等等。你也可以选择一系列其他食谱,在泡制完咖啡之后,还可以去研究咖啡饮料和鸡尾酒。
咖啡专家的技术是不需要专门去报班学习的。泡制:在家享用更好的咖啡是一本脚踏实地的在家做出咖啡厅水平的饮品的指南。由《亲爱的咖啡,我爱你》的作者布莱恩 · 琼斯亲手执笔,这本书涵盖了制作出优质咖啡所需要的各个元素,从购买最好的咖啡豆到掌握你最喜欢的慢煮技术等等。你也可以选择一系列其他食谱,在泡制完咖啡之后,还可以去研究咖啡饮料和鸡尾酒。
Crafted in Treviso, Northern Italy, this luxurious suit embodies Luca Faloni's Italian heritage. Each suit is handmade with the finest materials, ensuring the highest quality. Using pure virgin wool, Luca Faloni draws on a long tradition of expertise to create sustainable fabrics, producing suits that stand the test of time. Available in classic charcoal grey and midnight blue, this suit is ideal for business attire and elegant evening soirées. These Italian designs promise timeless style, securing a permanent place in your wardrobe.
Presented by Luca Faloni.
BOLDR has revolutionized home heating with Kelvin. The smart appliance uses sustainable infrared technology to keep you and your wallet comfortable. The option reduces consumption and is 30% more cost-effective than traditional convection methods. Owners stay in control with a wireless thermostat that connects to their phones. The accompanying app allows users to adjust the heat based on consumption and spending, schedule heating on a room-by-room basis, and see real-time monitoring of their bills. It's also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control. With a sleek and modern design, the Kelvin integrates seamlessly into interiors and is easy to install, while its software continuously updates for maintenance-free use.
Presented by BOLDR.