Plenty of credit cards offer reward programs, but navigating their myriad rules can be more trouble than it's worth. The Robinhood Gold Card offers 3% cash back across the board, with 5% cash back when you book travel through the Robinhood Travel portal, providing simple-to-understand rewards on your spending. Exclusively for Robinhood Gold members, it also offers a host of added benefits, like trip protection, travel and emergency assistance, and a VISA Signature concierge. In addition, it's easy to create virtual cards for more secure online spending and add members of any age to help build credit, with built-in tools for tracking family spending, setting spending limits, and locking lost cards. To ensure it looks as good as it works, the card itself is hefty stainless steel with a fitting golden finish.
Presented by Robinhood.
Dedicated to creating sustainably produced natural wines using certified organic grapes from California, Tinto Amorio's wines are among the most sought-after in the category. This sampler includes three bottles of three different varieties — Jajaja Glou Glou Red Wine, Bheeyo Skin-Contact Orange Wine, and the best-selling Monje Orange Wine. Fermented wild with native yeasts and made in limited quantities, they're perfect for elevated holiday gatherings.
Presented by Tinto Amorio.