本田喷气机 精英私人飞机
它可以让你更舒适,更安全,比你之前驾驶过的飞机续航能力更强。这款本田喷气机 精英私人飞机的航程为1,437海里,是同级飞机中最高的,其422节的巡航速度和43,000英尺的巡航高度也是同类机型中的佼佼者。它的内部现在更是配有双色真皮座椅,可选购的无扬声器的邦乔维音响系统和一套自动佳敏G3000航空电子套件,可以让这台七座飞机尽可能地飞得轻松。
它可以让你更舒适,更安全,比你之前驾驶过的飞机续航能力更强。这款本田喷气机 精英私人飞机的航程为1,437海里,是同级飞机中最高的,其422节的巡航速度和43,000英尺的巡航高度也是同类机型中的佼佼者。它的内部现在更是配有双色真皮座椅,可选购的无扬声器的邦乔维音响系统和一套自动佳敏G3000航空电子套件,可以让这台七座飞机尽可能地飞得轻松。
Sneakers don't have to be unsophisticated. Collars & Co.'s CEO Sneaker brings a look fit for the boardroom in a low-top cut and comfortable fit. A premium suede upper is paired with a padded dual-density outsole that can be worn all day with an understated modern style.
Presented by Collars & Co.
No matter the job, Skechers has a work shoe that fits. With slip-resistant soles, steel or composite toe protection, and waterproof construction, Skechers work shoes combine safety with comfort for jobs on the go. Skechers work sneakers offer the same level of toughness and a comfortable fit in a lightweight shoe for all-day wear.
Presented by Skechers.