麦克拉伦 塞纳超级跑车
在五年的麦克拉伦F1车队生涯中,埃尔顿 · 塞纳赢得了三个世界冠军,并且被认为是体育竞赛中一个最好的车手之一----前无古人后无来者的那种。麦克拉伦为了表彰塞纳,则打造了这款全新的车型,这款车只有一个目的----要在赛道上最快的车。虽然塞纳这款车允许上路,但是它在生物舒适度上绝对是最小的,毕竟它致力于成为最为致命的飚速武器。这款车限量500台,并且所有车型都已经销售完毕。
在五年的麦克拉伦F1车队生涯中,埃尔顿 · 塞纳赢得了三个世界冠军,并且被认为是体育竞赛中一个最好的车手之一----前无古人后无来者的那种。麦克拉伦为了表彰塞纳,则打造了这款全新的车型,这款车只有一个目的----要在赛道上最快的车。虽然塞纳这款车允许上路,但是它在生物舒适度上绝对是最小的,毕竟它致力于成为最为致命的飚速武器。这款车限量500台,并且所有车型都已经销售完毕。
On the road or just a long country walk, Aspinal of London's Leather Hunter Flask is the perfect companion. Made from stainless steel, the flask is sized to slip into a pocket for a nip of your favorite drink wherever you go. Fine, full-grain leather binding holds two cups to share with a friend.
Presented by Aspinal of London.
BOLDR has revolutionized home heating with Kelvin. The smart appliance uses sustainable infrared technology to keep you and your wallet comfortable. The option reduces consumption and is 30% more cost-effective than traditional convection methods. Owners stay in control with a wireless thermostat that connects to their phones. The accompanying app allows users to adjust the heat based on consumption and spending, schedule heating on a room-by-room basis, and see real-time monitoring of their bills. It's also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control. With a sleek and modern design, the Kelvin integrates seamlessly into interiors and is easy to install, while its software continuously updates for maintenance-free use.
Presented by BOLDR.