RMK E2 电动摩托
RMK是一家全新的芬兰创业公司,并且和所有创业公司一样,拥有着无与伦比的雄心。而他们推出的第一款产品就是这辆E2电动摩托车。从外表上来看,这款车俨然已经是电动自行车界的一大进步。它采用的是极简主义设计,完全舍弃传统的链条驱动装置,再在后轮上安装有轮毂的电动机,以及悬挂式的单面摆臂和单摆机。RMK对这款车的目标是可以续航124-186英里,而空载时的续航更是高达2到3小时。这款E2将在芬兰赫尔辛基的MP 19摩托车展上首次亮相,并在2019年2月展会结束后开始交付。
RMK是一家全新的芬兰创业公司,并且和所有创业公司一样,拥有着无与伦比的雄心。而他们推出的第一款产品就是这辆E2电动摩托车。从外表上来看,这款车俨然已经是电动自行车界的一大进步。它采用的是极简主义设计,完全舍弃传统的链条驱动装置,再在后轮上安装有轮毂的电动机,以及悬挂式的单面摆臂和单摆机。RMK对这款车的目标是可以续航124-186英里,而空载时的续航更是高达2到3小时。这款E2将在芬兰赫尔辛基的MP 19摩托车展上首次亮相,并在2019年2月展会结束后开始交付。
The best way to stop hair loss is to catch it before it starts. KilgourMD's Prevention Scalp Serum is the first line of defense, fortifying hair follicles and preventing them from shrinking to keep full-looking hair. Prevention Scalp Serum helps block the hormone DHT that triggers hair thinning while helping to protect against environmental and age-related damage.
Presented by KilgourMD.
This 15-pair gift box from the London Sock Company features effortlessly stylish colors like black, navy, grey, burgundy, hazelnut, and more. Socks may be small, but the right pair can make a big difference by capturing confidence and optimism in every step. Crafted from the finest materials, these socks are designed to elevate your style with a touch of color. Made from London Sock Company's signature blend of Scottish Lisle Cotton, Polyamide, and Elastane, these socks don't just fit and feel better, they look better and last longer.
Presented by London Sock Co.