Plenty of credit cards offer reward programs, but navigating their myriad rules can be more trouble than it's worth. The Robinhood Gold Card offers 3% cash back across the board, with 5% cash back when you book travel through the Robinhood Travel portal, providing simple-to-understand rewards on your spending. Exclusively for Robinhood Gold members, it also offers a host of added benefits, like trip protection, travel and emergency assistance, and a VISA Signature concierge. In addition, it's easy to create virtual cards for more secure online spending and add members of any age to help build credit, with built-in tools for tracking family spending, setting spending limits, and locking lost cards. To ensure it looks as good as it works, the card itself is hefty stainless steel with a fitting golden finish.
Presented by Robinhood.
Stay fit at home this coming year with the AEKE K1 home gym. Its Al-powered personal trainer offers advanced motion tracking and smart coaching, enabling tailored exercises, real-time feedback, and progress tracking. A digital weight system provides up to 220 lbs of resistance for challenging workouts no matter your fitness level, while five strength modes range from rowing and posture training to toning and muscle building to suit your goals. The mirror-like, Red Dot Award-winning design incorporates a 43" 4K screen and 2.1 surround sound, automatically folds up when the workout's done, and can be wheeled out of the way, blending into the decor of the space.
Presented by AEKE.