零式 SR-X 概念摩托车
介于赛道自行车和街头霸王之间的是未来摩托车设计的巅峰之作。在 Huge Design 的 Bill Webb 的帮助下,Zero SR-X 概念车就是在这种模式下诞生的。它由 Zero 的 ZF75-10 电动机和 ZF17.3 锂离子电池提供动力,但车身线条兼具未来感和实用性,前部有一个类似Tron的灯条,后部有一个倾斜的刹车灯。没有关于未来生产的消息。
介于赛道自行车和街头霸王之间的是未来摩托车设计的巅峰之作。在 Huge Design 的 Bill Webb 的帮助下,Zero SR-X 概念车就是在这种模式下诞生的。它由 Zero 的 ZF75-10 电动机和 ZF17.3 锂离子电池提供动力,但车身线条兼具未来感和实用性,前部有一个类似Tron的灯条,后部有一个倾斜的刹车灯。没有关于未来生产的消息。
Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories, and now you can train and track at the same time with this smart rope. The rope combines form and function with comfortable 45 degree angled handles to help make this age-old workout more interesting. Other ropes on the market provide tracking, but none have a strand of bright white LEDs that are visible while you're jumping. View jump counts, calories burned, or the duration of your workout as the rope swings in front of you. All the data is then transmitted via Bluetooth to a smartphone app — meaning all you have to supply is some sweat and an epic workout soundtrack.
Medium 101 inches / 258 cm
Large : 107 inches / 274 cm
Full charge in 2 hours / 36 hours of use / Lithium Polymer Battery
Bluetooth 4.0 LE two-way communication with smartphone
Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories, and now you can train and track at the same time with this smart rope. The rope combines form and function with comfortable 45 degree angled handles to help make this age-old workout more interesting. Other ropes on the market provide tracking, but none have a strand of bright white LEDs that are visible while you're jumping. View jump counts, calories burned, or the duration of your workout as the rope swings in front of you. All the data is then transmitted via Bluetooth to a smartphone app — meaning all you have to supply is some sweat and an epic workout soundtrack.
Medium 101 inches / 258 cm
Large : 107 inches / 274 cm
Full charge in 2 hours / 36 hours of use / Lithium Polymer Battery
Bluetooth 4.0 LE two-way communication with smartphone