
GoLite Outdoor Gear
Any long-time backpacker will tell you that the top priority when getting ready for a trek is to get the weight of your pack down to an absolute minimum. GoLite will help you do just that, allowing you to keep the handle of your toothbrush intact. Famous for its maximum strength and minimal weight, the Gust Pack ($100) weighs only 1lb 4oz yet has enough room for long excursions. You'll also want the Feather-Lite Sleeping Bag ($250), which weighs 1lb 2oz and compresses down to the size of a small ham. If you plan on hitting some rain, you'll also want to pack the 14 oz Cave Shelter ($120). And your Levi's and Gap tees won't due for clothing — check out the Lite-Weight shirt ($35) and zip-off Shazam pants ($80).