Sea Shadow
We just found the new Uncrate yacht. Looking like something straight out of an episode of G.I. Joe, the Sea Shadow (Free) was built in the early 1980s for $195 million as an experimental ship to escape detection on the open sea. Like a stealth bomber, the 160' ship uses special coatings, crystalline angles, and other CIA gadgets to stump radar and sonar. During its top secret days, the Sea Shadow lived inside (and was even built inside) the Hughes Mining Barge, a mammoth floating vessel with a 76' x 72' door to let the Shadow come and go as it pleased. Even though it's going to be heading to the scrap yard soon if they don't find a new owner, the Navy is only looking to give it away to someone who wants to use the Shadow as a floating museum. And the Hughes Barge also goes to the lucky new owner. So get the dock ready. [Thanks, Chuck]