即使在其极其有限的生产运行接近尾声时,福特仍在继续改进福特GT。新的Liquid Carbon版本增加了双涡轮V6的惊人的原始碳纤维饰面,车轮和更多动力。调整了标志性的飞扶和更大的中冷器,改善了发动机的冷却性能,重新调整了音调,从而在RPM范围内提供了更宽的扭矩分布,并增加了13马力,总计660。液态碳精加工在暴露的碳上使用特殊的透明涂层,以获得深色的玻璃外观。新的Heritage Edition也可用,其中包括著名的海湾制服以及上述所有改进。
即使在其极其有限的生产运行接近尾声时,福特仍在继续改进福特GT。新的Liquid Carbon版本增加了双涡轮V6的惊人的原始碳纤维饰面,车轮和更多动力。调整了标志性的飞扶和更大的中冷器,改善了发动机的冷却性能,重新调整了音调,从而在RPM范围内提供了更宽的扭矩分布,并增加了13马力,总计660。液态碳精加工在暴露的碳上使用特殊的透明涂层,以获得深色的玻璃外观。新的Heritage Edition也可用,其中包括著名的海湾制服以及上述所有改进。
Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories, and now you can train and track at the same time with this smart rope. The rope combines form and function with comfortable 45 degree angled handles to help make this age-old workout more interesting. Other ropes on the market provide tracking, but none have a strand of bright white LEDs that are visible while you're jumping. View jump counts, calories burned, or the duration of your workout as the rope swings in front of you. All the data is then transmitted via Bluetooth to a smartphone app — meaning all you have to supply is some sweat and an epic workout soundtrack.
Medium 101 inches / 258 cm
Large : 107 inches / 274 cm
Full charge in 2 hours / 36 hours of use / Lithium Polymer Battery
Bluetooth 4.0 LE two-way communication with smartphone