大多数无边泳池从一侧流出,给人一种与水接合的错觉。无限伦敦是一个屋顶无边泳池概念,向四面八方延伸 - 并将成为世界上第一个这样做的人。这座铸造的丙烯酸游泳池位于一座720英尺高的建筑物顶上,可容纳600,000升水,两侧和底部都清晰,让下面的游客可以看到游泳者和天空。游泳池的供暖系统将使用来自空调系统的废物能量用于建筑物,并且内置的风速计将允许监测风速。
大多数无边泳池从一侧流出,给人一种与水接合的错觉。无限伦敦是一个屋顶无边泳池概念,向四面八方延伸 - 并将成为世界上第一个这样做的人。这座铸造的丙烯酸游泳池位于一座720英尺高的建筑物顶上,可容纳600,000升水,两侧和底部都清晰,让下面的游客可以看到游泳者和天空。游泳池的供暖系统将使用来自空调系统的废物能量用于建筑物,并且内置的风速计将允许监测风速。
Apex的Wedge靴子专为性能而打造,具有值班战斗靴的所有优点,在任何场合看起来更像是时尚选择。每一双都是优质皮革和D30支撑鞋床,可提供一流的减震效果,全天舒适,持久的鞋跟和足弓支撑。它还有一个轻质的Vibram外底,可以保持稳定性和抓地力。这确保了每一对都准备好长期使用。 由5.11 Tactical提供。
Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories, and now you can train and track at the same time with this smart rope. The rope combines form and function with comfortable 45 degree angled handles to help make this age-old workout more interesting. Other ropes on the market provide tracking, but none have a strand of bright white LEDs that are visible while you're jumping. View jump counts, calories burned, or the duration of your workout as the rope swings in front of you. All the data is then transmitted via Bluetooth to a smartphone app — meaning all you have to supply is some sweat and an epic workout soundtrack.
Medium 101 inches / 258 cm
Large : 107 inches / 274 cm
Full charge in 2 hours / 36 hours of use / Lithium Polymer Battery
Bluetooth 4.0 LE two-way communication with smartphone
Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories, and now you can train and track at the same time with this smart rope. The rope combines form and function with comfortable 45 degree angled handles to help make this age-old workout more interesting. Other ropes on the market provide tracking, but none have a strand of bright white LEDs that are visible while you're jumping. View jump counts, calories burned, or the duration of your workout as the rope swings in front of you. All the data is then transmitted via Bluetooth to a smartphone app — meaning all you have to supply is some sweat and an epic workout soundtrack.
Medium 101 inches / 258 cm
Large : 107 inches / 274 cm
Full charge in 2 hours / 36 hours of use / Lithium Polymer Battery
Bluetooth 4.0 LE two-way communication with smartphone