宾得K-1 Mark II相机
它具有与其上一款相同的3640万像素全画幅传感器。而现在,由于采用了新的加速器单元,宾得K-1 Mark II相机在低光照条件下的功能变得更强大,最高ISO为819,200。除了在接近黑暗的环境中可以拍摄低噪点图像外,它还拥有一个全新的手持式像素转换系统,拍摄4张照片----带有完整的RGB数据----然后将其合成为一张高分辨率图像。在极少数情况下,升级的服务也提供给原K-1的所有者,因此他们可以在不需要购买新机的情况下,尽情享受Mk.II的所有新功能。
它具有与其上一款相同的3640万像素全画幅传感器。而现在,由于采用了新的加速器单元,宾得K-1 Mark II相机在低光照条件下的功能变得更强大,最高ISO为819,200。除了在接近黑暗的环境中可以拍摄低噪点图像外,它还拥有一个全新的手持式像素转换系统,拍摄4张照片----带有完整的RGB数据----然后将其合成为一张高分辨率图像。在极少数情况下,升级的服务也提供给原K-1的所有者,因此他们可以在不需要购买新机的情况下,尽情享受Mk.II的所有新功能。
Stanford dermatologist Dr. James Kilgour's eponymous hair growth brand, KilgourMD, has been shown to outperform the popular minoxidil, which only works to regrow hair once it's gone. The KilgourMD Bundle, however, puts patients on the offensive, too, providing a dual-acting proactive and reactive solution to hair thinning and hair loss. In clinical studies, the system — which is made from natural, plant-derived extracts and comprises The Prevention Scalp Serum and The Treatment — decreased visible hair fall by up to 30% and stimulated hair follicle growth by up to 200% over two months. Save 15% when bundling.
Presented by KilgourMD.
Consult a physician before consuming any new supplement. Any health claims made are solely those of the brand and not those of Uncrate LLC
Toys made for her often vibrate. The male anatomy only vibrates as much as we can move our body. The Trojan Dual Pleasure Vibrating Ring splits the difference. It's made with a soft-touch ring that helps extend the sessions for him, connected to a ribbed vibrating to stimulate her. Crafted from soft-touch silicone, it's water-resistant to survive wet play, offers eight different intensities for personalized pleasure, and is USB rechargeable so it's good for multiple sessions, no matter how long they last.
Presented by Trojan.