Excelsior Dawes Hovercraft
Boasting one of the highest price tags of any item ever featured on Uncrate, the Excelsior Dawes Hovercraft ($65 million) is also one of the most hardcore. This 179-foot, military-grade hovercraft was designed for landing troops and transports on enemy shores, boasting two stabilized multiple rocket launchers, four portable air defense missile systems, enough room to hold three tanks and 140 troops, complete with living quarters, life support, and nuclear, biological, and chemical protection areas, and a square-shaped pontoon structure for a rugged, stable platform at sea. For those of you not planning a hostile attack on Richard Branson's private island, the Seal Hovercraft ($12,000) is a more sensible option, with a 14-foot length, 2-3 person capacity, and no lethal weapons to worry about. [Thanks, Chris]