Lightyear One Solar Electric Sedan
An electric vehicle isn't truly zero emissions when it depends on the existing power grid to charge its batteries. The Lightyear One aims to reduce the impact of relying on the outlet for charging by covering the roof and hood in over 16.5 feet of advanced solar cells. These cells can operate independently of one another, meaning that if part of the car is in the shade, the part in the sun will generate electricity to power the car. Plug-in charging is going to be the main source of energy, however, and the Lightyear One can charge around 217 miles from a European 230v outlet overnight, or 354 miles in an hour with the fast-charging system. Total range with a full charge is over 450 miles, with the potential to go even further depending on the solar cells. Lightyear is taking orders for the One now, with a production run of 500 cars and a delivery date of 2021.